The Infinity Dreams Blog Award…

Thank you so much Owly for nominating me for the Infinity Dreams award!!! I love this girl so much!!! She is so funny, sweet, kind, funny, wonderful, gorgeous, funny, an amazing writer, imaginative… Oh and FUNNY!!! =D Click on her name to check her out, she is AWESOME!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the questions that were set for you to answer.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them.

11 Facts about me

1. I love creativity. Art, singing, drama (as in acting), painting, photography, writing, fashion, beauty… I love seeing ideas and passions expressed!!!
2. I love Psychology. (I once wrote a 30 page paper on typology in psychology.)
3. The Monterey Bay Aquarium is one of my favorite places in the world. ❤
4. I love aquatic animals! ❤ My favorites are Frogs, bottlenosed dolphins, orca whales and great white sharks.
5. My favorite book of the Bible is psalms.
6. I sang solo for the first time when I was 10/11.
7. I got my first job babysitting when I was 12.
8. My favorite color is blue but I love all colors.
9. I think it would be cool to live on a sailboat.
10. I want to start a youtube channel.
11. I want to share love and beauty with the world. ❤

Ps. I thought about that way too much lol!!!

Questions from Owly

1. Who is your biggest role model?

My parents. Their are the strongest people I know. They have gone through things that would have broken me and yet somehow they are stronger for it. If I stop long enough to think about it… my brain just becomes overwhelmingly awed. They are the best parents ever!!! I love my family. ❤

2. Favorite Author?

Okay so this may seem odd. My favorite author isn’t the author of my top 5 favorite books. I know strange. My favorite author is Ally Carter. She is amazing. Every time I read one of her books it’s like being able to go back into my childhood. (Gallagher Girl series. It’s for middle grade, around 11-13 and up. Subjects include spies, boarding school, all girls academy, coming of age, honor, sisterhood, teamwork. Etc.) But honestly if I keep thinking about this question I’m going to have like 20 author names listed here. Oooh a close second is Anne Blankman. I love her Prisoner of night and Fog series. (More mature books just fyi like 15 and up. Subjects include mental illness, Hitler, WW2, war, spies, journalism etc.)

3. What is your favorite song?

I have no earthly idea… IT IS SO HARD TO CHOOSE ONLY ONE!!! If I could only sing one song for the rest of my life I would choose It is well by Philip P. Bliss… but if we are talking the song that’s my jam right now… Pocketful of poetry by Mindy Gledhill. I love both of these songs. I’m not choosing one favorite… I just can’t… *softly plays Kiss the rain by Yiruma* I simple can’t choose one song… _-_

4. Favorite Candy?

Cotton candy. I also like chocolate and marshmallows but right now cotton candy is my favorite. ❤

5. If you had to choose only 5 books you could read for the rest of your life, which would they be? (hard…I know)

You really do like to ask hard questions!!! For the rest of my life…? The Bible (KJV), The magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis, The Book thief by Markus Zusak, Our Town by Thronton Wilder and The invisible heart by Russell Roberts. Dude that was so hard!!! I’m already not someone who likes to read books more than once… Only 5 books for the rest of my life?!?!? These are solid choices that I think will carry me all the way until the end of my life. ^_^

6. Favorite animal?

I feel as though I have already kinda answer this question but Frogs are my favorite. ^_^ They are so cute!!! Sadly I was never allowed to have a dolphin or shark pet growing up… =_[ So frogs became my favorite. (I have had a few pet frogs over the years of my life. They are awesome!!!)

7. Pizza or Ice cream?

Well (all the hate is about to come) I don’t really like either. Part of it is I am gluten free and dairy free. And part of it is I am a bit of a picky eater. I prefer to eat lots of different fruits and veggies. So… Ice cream I guess. There are actually quite a few really good dairy free ice creams. =]

8. Where do you wish you could live?

LONDON ENGLAND!!! I would love to live there it’s so beautiful!!! I would love to be a makeup artist in London. And I would love to photograph all over the whole city!!! I’m dying to be able to go!!!

9. Fiction or Non-Fiction? Why?

I like both but I love realistic fiction. It’s so cool to imagine what the world could be or what we could do in the world. *sigh* But I also love nonfiction. I really enjoy business books, self help books and biographies.

10. Book you recommend to anyone?

Hahaha I have been recommending books left and right all through this post!!! 😉 But a book for all. A few come to mind but the one book (other than the bible) I would recommend to anyone is Oh, the places you’ll go by Dr. Seuss. Everyone should read that book!!! Young, old, boy or girl!!!

Leave a comment below
Letting me know
A book for anyone
A book for everyone
You would recommend
Let’s start a reading trend!!!
Leave a comment below
Letting everyone know
A book that’s sage
A wonderful book for any age

Idk hahaha I just got all rhymy with that one!)

Thanks again Miss Owly ^_^ This was a lot of fun!!!


Please feel free to do this tag or not. Just know I loved each and every one of your blogs!!! ❤










Ninja Girl


Questions for Nominees

1. What book (or movie) character embodies your personality?
2. Who/what inspired your love for writing?
3. If you could interview one person from the past, present or future, who would you interview and why?
4. What’s your most played song right now?
5. What’s your favorite season and why?
6. What MBTI personality type are you?
7. What’s your dream job? What was your dream job when you were 5? Why has or hasn’t it changed?
8. Who is the blogger you read most? (Or top 5-10 😉 I know this is hard to narrow down!!!)
9. If you could only have 15 book for the next year (so until Feb 2017) what books would you choose?
10. What youtube channels are you enjoying right now???

All of these bloggers are fantastic and my new obsession! Please check them out and let then know I sent you! ❤ ❤ ❤ Don't forget to leave a book recommendation in the comments below.

Until next time,
Princess Allie ❤

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!