The Amazing You TAG…

I was tagged again by my new best friend the amazing Miss Owly!!! ^_^ Thank you so much girl!!! I love doing these tags and I love reading them even more!!!!! ❤


1. You’re on a deserted island, and you find a cave. What would you expect to find in it? 

Ideally I would find Jewels and become rich!!! And with my new found wealth I would feed and cloth needy children!!!!! But in reality I would find a bear…  😉


2. If you could have one superpower, which would you pick?

Oooh… There are so many good ones!!! I would want the power to heal people. Like I could think or look at them and heal them! Reading minds in second on my list. Then I could help remove evil people and help people understand each other and themselves!


3. What one song would you choose for the theme music for a movie about your life?

I have no idea… (O.O) Maybe You’ll Be In My Heart…? It would fit well so far… and it would fit well for what I want to do with my life. Hahaha but it’s not very theme songish!!!


4. You can only wear one color for the rest of your life. What color would you pick? 

This is so hard!!! I love a lot of colors!!! I also wear a lot of colors… D= I guess I would go with blue, gray or black. I’ve always loved wearing those colors… Oh you wanted me to pick one color… *sigh* Fine!!! =P Blue. There are enough shades of blue you can pretty much be ready for anything!!! You can wear a dark navy to formals, a bright baby blue to weddings, You can wear a sky blue to work. Yeah I think blue would work better than black or gray… You can do a lot with those colors but they are a bit more boring. Wow long answer for such a simple question! >.<

“Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others.” – Benjamin Franklin


5. What’s one thing you want to do that’s wild, crazy, or unusual?

Never live in one place. I wouldn’t mind having a base camp but I don’t want to have a home town. I want the whole world to be my home and community. The nomad life for me!!! =D


6. If you had to give a speech to the whole world for five minutes, what topic would it be about?

Well 5 minutes is quite a long time… I don’t know if my message would be able to fill that much time. I would want to give a speech about Love, true Love, true selfless Love. I would talk about God’s love first, then talk about our need for love and lastly I would talk about loving each other unselfishly. Love is also something all people understand and want/need. I think it would be a wonderful topic to share with the whole world!


7. You get to have lunch with any three famous people, present or past! Who would you pick?

Ahhh!!! How do I decide?!?!? Paul, He was one of the first modern day missionaries. I would love to hear his personal stories and experiences. Benjamin Franklin, He was so wise and amazing, I would love to have him as a teacher or mentor but lunch will do!!! Lastly Robert Frost, He was a lovely poet and I love the way he saw the world. (and because I couldn’t just pick 3 people for a lunch party Dr. Seuss, Mimi Ikonn, Corrie Ten Boom and Betty Greene. Can we make this a week long retreat?)


8. What is your favorite smell, and why?

Honeysuckle. I just love it!!! I’m not totally sure why. I used to play with honeysuckle when I was younger but I have always love the smell. I also like the smell of food but I think everyone loves the smell of food!

9. Share one of your favorite quotes.

Oh man there are so many quotes I love!!!

“A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one.” -Benjamin Franklin

“At twenty years of age the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Don’t throw stones at your neighbors if your own windows are glass.” – Benjamin Francklin

I just really love quotes!!! ^-^ Those are a few of the quotes I’ve been loving today!!! ❤


10. Give us two true statements about yourself and one false statement, and see if your followers can guess which one is false.

  • My birthday is this month
  • I don’t own black mascara
  • I have purple and blue hair


Thank you again Madi it was so much fun reading your tag and doing this one myself. Thanks for thinking of me. >’^.^'< You are so sweet!!!!!! ❤


I am tagging Mei!!! Have fun with this tag girly and I am looking forward to reading your post!!!! ❤



I hope all of you guys are having a wonderful day! If you would like to do this tag feel free to and please leave a link below so I won’t miss it!  I hope you guys have been enjoying these more bloggy tag posts I’ve been doing lately. They are so much fun to read and a pleasure to write! Have a wonderful evening my lovely friends.


Until we meet again my lovely friends,

Princess Allie ❤


  1. Megan (A Barefoot Gal) · December 18, 2015

    I think false is three or two… I love that quote by Benamin Frankiln about blockheads. ^ – ^

    Liked by 1 person

  2. myprettylittlestethoscope · December 11, 2015

    Great post!! I love that superpower.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Allie · December 11, 2015

      Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!! I do too!!! ^_^ I hate seeing people in pain.

      Liked by 1 person

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